Ai Weiwei

Toronto’s Glowing Tower of Chairs

What a dizzying perspective! While no one can argue that the runaway hit artwork at this year’sScotiabank Nuit Blanche event was Ai Weiwei’s magnificent bicycle installation, there was another remake that deserves our attention. Today is the last day to see Japanese artist Tadashi Kawamata’smassive sculpture made up of hundreds of wooden chairs stacked precariously on top of one another.

Called Garden Tower in Toronto, it consists of stacked chairs, benches and garden furniture that create an amphitheater-like setting intended for meetings and discussions. Of course, being that Nuit Blanche was a nighttime event, the installation glows from within. Parked in the front yard of the Metropolitan United Church at Queen and Church Sts, it’s what some have cleverly referred to as “chairway to heaven.”

Found on: My Modern Met