
Camera On Radio-Controlled Buggy To Take Close-Up Photos Of Lions

Chris McLennan, mostly known for his travel, wildlife, tourism and adventure photography, recently went for another extraordinary pursuit by taking close-up photos of wild lions in Botswana with a robot camera assembled with the help of engineer Carl Hansen. The amazing photos were captured by “Car-L”, a remote controlled 4×4 camera buggy with aNikon D800E camera and an 18-35mm lens.

Found on: Bored Panda

Manfrotto Pixi Mini Tripod Actually Supports Heavier DSLR Cameras

Manfrotto, known for their higher-quality camera stabilization gear, made a mini tripod actually worth using. Unlike the cheap options you’ll find, it adjusts easily, won’t break after moderate use, and still fits in your pocket.

Squito, A Throwable Panoramic Camera

Boston-based inventor Steve Hollinger is currently working to create the Squito, a roughly baseball-sized throwable camera that can take panoramic images and video while it’s in flight. Hollinger recently received a patent for the device, which is still in development.

via: Laughing Squid

Iris the Eye-Controlled Camera: Blink Twice to Take a Picture

Simple, intuitive and innovative for the everyday photographer,Iris promises even more to the disabled, letting anyone control capture area, zoom level, the moment of a shot and other features … all with only eye movements.

Mimi Zou is a graduate of the Royal College of Art developed this eye-tracking camera design around biometric technology. The device can recognize people on both sides of the lens by their eyes – the person taking the picture (so it can pre-load preferred settings) as well as the person being photographed.

lense camera screen interface

A translucent screen inhabits the center of the circular device, allowing you to get an augmented-reality look at your subject matter, with optional overlays indicating prominent buildings or other features of the built environment you may wish to capture.

lense camera iris invention

Narrow your eyelids to zoom in, then open wide to zoom back out. Focus on a spot, blink twice, and a photo is taken. If a friend is recognized in the frame, there is also an option to tag them on the spot. And all of this functionality is rolled up into what looks like a cylindrical lens without a camera.

lense camera hand held

As of right now it remains a working model, but with luck, time and funding it might become the next wave in ever-more-minimalist photographic contraptions, and particularly powerful image-taking aid for those who cannot use hands to easily hold and point a camera.

via: WebUrbanist

DUO, A Two Part Camera

DUO is a camera created by designer Chin-Wei Liao that can be separated into two parts that will each take a photo at the same time. The idea, Liao explains on his website, is to make photo-taking an inclusive experience.

When browsing through old photos, we have stronger memory connection and emotion projection while seeing photos with ourselves inside. However, documenting the presence of self is not an easy task. And there is usually one person has to be excluded from photos taken in social events.

By being both photographer and subject at the same time, it enables people to have fun documenting and being documented.

Inspired by the fact that many people feel uncomfortable being photographed or do not like seeing their self-images, this project explored the meaningful impact of self-image and ways of encouraging people to enjoy taking photos.

via: Laughing Squid